
Magic Lobsters and Flying Tagines

Magic Lobsters & Flying Tagines CoverWhen author James Whaley was ready to publish his book, Magic Tagines and Flying Lobsters, a complex love story set in Morocco and Andalucia, he engaged EuropeAxess Media to prepare the book for printing. In his brief via email, the author asked for a huge number of graphical elements to be incorporated into the design of the cover.

After tracking down stock photography to represent the hero and heroine, a map was prepared showing the geographic scope of the story, and the whole image brought together in a Moorish archway, with further graphics drawn up symbolizing the Tagine that flew, the Lobster that was magic and plants and other creatures that featured in the tale. We built these into a traditional style pattern around the Moorish archway.

After reviewing the first draft the author asked for further inculturalisation of the main character, through a henna tattoo and bangles. These were photoshopped into place.

We were also responsible for proofreading and correcting the manuscript. When this was ready we completed the page layout using drawings, that are all taken straight from the text, as vignettes at the start of chapters, and the map was shown clearly as part of the prefix.

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