Queen’s Hotel
The Queens Hotel were one of our very first website clients when EuropeAxess was started over 10 years ago, and the site had stood the test of time, its still one of our hardest working websites, filling the Hotel time and time again.

First Queen's Hotel Website
But for many years the website it only needed to be updated as required when the Hotel was refurbished, and adding in new facilities as the improvements were made to the rooms.
In 2008 however, it was felt it was time to give the website itself a refurbishment. A new fresh colour scheme was developed in line with the Hotel’s corporate green, and a minimalist layout for the pages on trend with today’s best Hotel websites.
Many new photographs were taken to order, all the room shots were new for instance and many of the exterior views, as the city around the Hotel had changed, particularly the Marina View, where there is now a vista of ‘The Island’ luxury villas and super yachts.

Queen's Hotel sea view photograph
We added a new page giving more information about Gibraltar. This is hopefully very useful to visitors to the site and we can see that] they do browse this page, but it was really intended as a tool to optimize the sites search engine position.
The Queen’s Hotel already had a very high page position in search engines as Rogelia is very active marketing the hotel by networking with tour operators and travel associations.
Other new pages included a Map page with detailed instructions on how to find the Hotel, by car, by Public Transport and Walking. A new secure section was added where Reservation Requests are managed.
Almost all of the Hotel’s bookings now come via the internet and only a small proportion from ‘walk-ins’ so it was vital to the reservation booking page was tailored to the systems already in place at the Hotel.
We hope that Ernest and Rogelia will enjoy the fruits of the website for another 10 years, with only the only updates being due to their continual enhancement of their guests experience at the Queens Hotel – Gibraltar’s only Budget Hotel.
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