Maritime Anti-Piracy – The Captain’s Guidebook
When Maritime Security Expert, Peter King, completed a three year project, a comprehensive, up-to-date and definitive handbook to help Shipping Companies, CSOs and Captains of all vessels withe in-depth information on all ways to protect their crew, vessel, and cargo from thieves and armed pirates around the world, he brought it to EuropeAxess Media for publishing.
Pete was pretty happy with the contents and typography he had been working on all that time, and really wanted to publish the book under his company name. We were able to take over the project as a ‘Print Management’ team, where we could lend a hand was to tickle the layout into shape where he had burst the capabilities of ‘Microsoft Word’. With specialist knowledge in the maritime industry, we were also able to help out with proofreading. Many of the images Pete had, which were taken in the field, sometimes at night or in difficult lighting situations, were low resolution and we were also able to enhance and sharpen many of these. Finally we helped with the ISBN registration.
We had the 376 page handbook printed in full color throughout, and bound in hardback with a matt black cover, making a valuable addition to any ship’s library. In fact we recommend larger ships take two, one to be in the Captain’s possession, and the other to be lodged in the ships safe room, as the information it provides is invaluable in a hi-jack scenario, with useful contact information of private Maritime Security agencies.
As Pete’s work, as a Maritime Security Consultant for IMAAG, the International Maritime Anti-Piracy Advisory Group, takes him all over the world he asked if we could help with the book marketing admin. And so we undertook the distribution of sample copies to prospective purchasers, as per his marketing partner’s instructions. The latest information we have is that a major book wholesaler in the UK has expressed an interest in carrying the title after finding it in the ISBN catalogue.
Special Olympics Sponsorship Campaign
When Special Olympics needed to raise funds for their participation in the World Summer Games in Greece, they asked us to design the campaign sales letter which would be emailed to a selected group of potential Donors.
The campaign was successful and they met their goal, the athletes were successful at the Games too, bringing home many medals and lots of good memories.
Magic Lobsters and Flying Tagines
When author James Whaley was ready to publish his book, Magic Tagines and Flying Lobsters, a complex love story set in Morocco and Andalucia, he engaged EuropeAxess Media to prepare the book for printing. In his brief via email, the author asked for a huge number of graphical elements to be incorporated into the design of the cover.
After tracking down stock photography to represent the hero and heroine, a map was prepared showing the geographic scope of the story, and the whole image brought together in a Moorish archway, with further graphics drawn up symbolizing the Tagine that flew, the Lobster that was magic and plants and other creatures that featured in the tale. We built these into a traditional style pattern around the Moorish archway.
After reviewing the first draft the author asked for further inculturalisation of the main character, through a henna tattoo and bangles. These were photoshopped into place.
We were also responsible for proofreading and correcting the manuscript. When this was ready we completed the page layout using drawings, that are all taken straight from the text, as vignettes at the start of chapters, and the map was shown clearly as part of the prefix.
Medport Shipping
Gibraltar Buisinessman Launches International, Client Orientated, Shipping Services. When entrepreneur Mark Mills launched his new shipping services business, he knew he wanted to be in control of his own website. Medport Marine was a new business it was going to be important to respond to his clients requirements fast.
He chose EuropeAxess Media to build a site which would allow him access to his pages and the ability to change text and upload new graphics whenever he needed to.
EuropeAxess chose Worpress to give Mark the power and flexibility he required, once known as ‘just a blogging tool’, with open source development going on 24/7/365, WordPress has developed into a powerful content management system using PHP and MySQL but with a super friendly control panel at the user interface.
We can put this powerful tools in your hands, and let you drive your business to success.
The Year Books Take Wings
When Dr. D. Sloma asked us to put The Year Books online we formatted them so they could fly into cyberspace. Now they are available around the globe from
The single column layout made them particularly suitable for an eBook conversion. There are over 200 illustrations, tables, advertising and photographs which were also converted for reproduction on the Kindle.
New Colours for Winning Partnership
International gaming company bwin had been very happy with the service they received from EuropeAxess Media when they refurbished their Europort offices and had us design and build the reception desks and light walls on two floors. So when the company merged with Party Gaming they asked EuropeAxess to implement the new ‘ digital entertainment’ branding throughout their offices. Working with the new Head Office specified RAL colours, this included a total new paint job throughout and giant word graphics just like they have in their other International Offices.
Due to the modular system we had used when installing the original light walls, we were able to re-use most of the materials thus saving resources. As with the original job, quality of the finish was paramount.
When a superyacht owner asked for personalised caps for his family, guests and the crew, the captain of the boat asked EuropeAxess Media to come up with an appropriate logo using the yacht’s shortened name ‘A8’.
After a bit of research over the weekend, a design was drawn up on the Monday, this was approved on Tuesday on Wednesday the hats were ordered from a local embroidery firm and the logo digitised. The hats were stitched on the Thursday, delivered on the Friday, and on the Saturday the owner was so delighted he gave one to everybody who was on board that day and ordered a new batch to be made up! We have since been asked to have a ‘house pennant’ made up to fly at the bows of the yacht when the owner is on board.
Can you accept Paypal?
After consulting a business technology expert, a nearby property owner was put in touch with EuropeAxess Media to have a booking calendar and online payments system added to their website.
This has enabled them to take bookings without going through lengthy e-mail exchanges and telephone calls to finalise the sale. Guests can now see immediately what dates are available and even book their flights before paying for their stay by credit card or via PayPal. Thanks to built-in search engine optimisation, the property now has 80% occupancy over the Christmas 2011 period and the owner has even started to take bookings for other holiday homes in the surrounding area.
Web Design & Development
At EuropeAxess we have an international team of designers & developers that work together on most of our websites, ensuring the quickest possible turn around with a wide range of expertise and creative experience.
The creative process begins with a need. Clients from a broad spectrum of industries come to us, from new businesses to well established empires. Some needing us to create & implement an entire brand identity that runs smoothly from the real world of local or international publishing and advertising, to the online world wide web.
We do brand redesigns, updates & expansions or just simple cases of adding a web portal to your business to boost exposure, client base and therefore success.
Whatever you need, we can help.

Website Source Code
Once we have analysed your need, we can present the range of products that will help fulfil your requirements, these products can be tailored to fit your budget and we can even integrate into the foundations of your website, the utilities that you will need when you want to take your website to the next level.
When you have chosen your package, whether it be a single page with your contact details and business services summary, a Word-press blog to keep clients or followers up to date on current events and news, a basic website with a page for each service, contact page and history or a full scale online empire with multiple sites and advanced interactive services, the first step for us is to design the site map. This is akin to an architect drawing up the blueprints for a building.
More..Lithographic Printing

Choose your corporate Pantone colour
We offer an extensive range of printing services thanks to over 20 years experience of print providers, we now work with a number of trusted specialist printers both locally and internationally.
For larger quantities of premium quality printing we recommend Lithographic Printing known as ‘Litho’. Litho is a method using a metal plate with a completely smooth surface on which oil is applied to divide the smooth surface into hydrophobic regions which accept the ink, and hydrophilic regions which reject it. The inked image is transferred from the plate to a rubber blanket and then to the paper, card or other printing surface (samples of printable surfaces can be provided on request). The word Lithography is from Greek ‘lithos’ (stone) and ‘grapho’ (to write). It was invented in 1796 originally using a limestone.

CMYK process colors spectrophotometrically monitored
If we are designing your artwork for you then you can rest assured that it will have been created within the strict guidelines required to assure that the printed product looks as much like your proof as is realistically possible. Factors such as colour can be points of contention, if your chosen colours are very specific e.g. corporate colours, then we will provide the printer with your