
websites…we do just that, and provide functionality that works hard for them as well!

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Filed under: News

Maritime Anti-Piracy – The Captain’s Guidebook

When Maritime Security Expert, Peter King, completed a three year project, a comprehensive, up-to-date and definitive handbook to help Shipping Companies, CSOs and Captains of all vessels withe in-depth information on all ways to protect their crew, vessel, and cargo from thieves and armed pirates around the world, he brought it to EuropeAxess Media for publishing.

Anti-Piracy Book Cover

Pete was pretty happy with the contents and typography he had been working on all that time, and really wanted to publish the book under his company name. We were able to take over the project as a ‘Print Management’ team, where we could lend a hand was to tickle the layout into shape where he had burst the capabilities of ‘Microsoft Word’. With specialist knowledge in the maritime industry, we were also able to help out with proofreading. Many of the images Pete had, which were taken in the field, sometimes at night or in difficult lighting situations, were low resolution and we were also able to enhance and sharpen many of these. Finally we helped with the ISBN registration.

We had the 376 page handbook printed in full color throughout, and bound in hardback with a matt black cover, making a valuable addition to any ship’s library. In fact we recommend larger ships take two, one to be in the Captain’s possession, and the other to be lodged in the ships safe room, as the information it provides is invaluable in a hi-jack scenario, with useful contact information of private Maritime Security agencies.

As Pete’s work, as a Maritime Security Consultant for IMAAG, the International Maritime Anti-Piracy Advisory Group, takes him all over the world he asked if we could help with the book marketing admin. And so we undertook the distribution of sample copies to prospective purchasers, as per his marketing partner’s instructions. The latest information we have is that a major book wholesaler in the UK has expressed an interest in carrying the title after finding it in the ISBN catalogue.

Microsoft Word - p110.docxMicrosoft Word - p162.docx

Special Olympics Sponsorship Campaign

When Special Olympics needed to raise funds for their participation in the World Summer Games in Greece, they asked us to design the campaign sales letter which would be emailed to a selected group of potential Donors.
The campaign was successful and they met their goal, the athletes were successful at the Games too, bringing home many medals and lots of good memories.

Magic Lobsters and Flying Tagines

Magic Lobsters & Flying Tagines CoverWhen author James Whaley was ready to publish his book, Magic Tagines and Flying Lobsters, a complex love story set in Morocco and Andalucia, he engaged EuropeAxess Media to prepare the book for printing. In his brief via email, the author asked for a huge number of graphical elements to be incorporated into the design of the cover.

After tracking down stock photography to represent the hero and heroine, a map was prepared showing the geographic scope of the story, and the whole image brought together in a Moorish archway, with further graphics drawn up symbolizing the Tagine that flew, the Lobster that was magic and plants and other creatures that featured in the tale. We built these into a traditional style pattern around the Moorish archway.

After reviewing the first draft the author asked for further inculturalisation of the main character, through a henna tattoo and bangles. These were photoshopped into place.

We were also responsible for proofreading and correcting the manuscript. When this was ready we completed the page layout using drawings, that are all taken straight from the text, as vignettes at the start of chapters, and the map was shown clearly as part of the prefix.

Control-Click – The key to your new website

  • Update your own website
  • Access to training and support
  • Designed to work well on mobile devices

Is it time to replace your old website with a new one that you can update yourself? A site that can be downloaded to Smart Phones and Tablets? Would you like a friendly team to support you and offer training if you need it while you get used to using the new site?

The Control-Click team can provide you with WordPress software that will tick all those boxes. WordPress puts you in control of your website. WordPress started as just a blogging system, but has evolved to be used as full content management system and so much more through the thousands of plugins, widgets, and themes, WordPress is limited only by your imagination.

And honestly, if you know how to use Word and are familiar with uploading content to Facebook, you are well on the way to being a whiz at updating!

The Control-Click Team will get the website set up for you, with all the facilities you need to run your business online, and then you can take over and run your site yourself.

Call us today on 20079335 or 56000766 to book a chat over coffee or drop us a line using the following contact form.

Filed under: News

On the 21st October 2012 EuropeAxess Media took part in the Gibraltar Government’s ‘Thinking Green Conference and Trade Show’.

The stand, exhibiting Internet Electronic Publishing featured, recently published printed paperbacks and e-books, with demonstrations available on Chiquita Neven du Mont’s biography, My Seven Lives on an iPad 2, supplied by Newton Systems Ltd as well as Diane Sloma’s ‘Financial Services Handbook’ on her own Kindle.

EuropeAxess launched a special ‘Thinking Green Author’s Package’ which includes an ebook and paperbacks to be distributed to Amazon.co.uk, and a small supply of paperbacks in Gibraltar. Using print on demand technology further copies can be ordered singly, at a very competitive cost.

If your book is ready to come out, ask Angela for full details.


Filed under: News

Medport Shipping

Gibraltar Buisinessman Launches International, Client Orientated, Shipping Services. When entrepreneur Mark Mills launched his new shipping services business, he knew he wanted to be in control of his own website. Medport Marine was a new business it was going to be important to respond to his clients requirements fast.

He chose EuropeAxess Media to build a site which would allow him access to his pages and the ability to change text and upload new graphics whenever he needed to.

EuropeAxess chose Worpress to give Mark the power and flexibility he required, once known as ‘just a blogging tool’, with open source development going on 24/7/365, WordPress has developed into a powerful content management system using PHP and MySQL but with a super friendly control panel at the user interface.

We can put this powerful tools in your hands, and let you drive your business to success.

The Year Books Take Wings

When Dr. D. Sloma asked us to put The Year Books online we formatted them so they could fly into cyberspace. Now they are available around the globe from Amazon.com

The single column layout made them particularly suitable for an eBook conversion. There are over 200 illustrations, tables, advertising and photographs which were also converted for reproduction on the Kindle.


Filed under: iePublish

New Colours for Winning Partnership


International gaming company bwin had been very happy with the service they received from EuropeAxess Media when they refurbished their Europort offices and had us design and build the reception desks and light walls on two floors. So when the company merged with Party Gaming they asked EuropeAxess to implement the new ‘bwin.party digital entertainment’ branding throughout their offices. Working with the new Head Office specified RAL colours, this included a total new paint job throughout and giant word graphics just like they have in their other International Offices.

Due to the modular system we had used when installing the original light walls, we were able to re-use most of the materials thus saving resources. As with the original job, quality of the finish was paramount.