MCS Yellow Pages Ad

New MCS Ad

New MCS Ad

When George Olivera of Mediterranean Cleaning Services needed a Yellow Pages Ad created in a hurry, the staff at Herold Mediatel who produce the Gibraltar Telephone Directory recommended Angela Sargent.

MCS found that the were taking on an increasing number of larger corporate contracts, so the brief was to revamp their Yellow Pages advertising to reflect this success, showcase their specialist teams and equipment.


Queen’s Hotel

The Queens Hotel were one of our very first website clients when EuropeAxess was started over 10 years ago, and the site had stood the test of time, its still one of our hardest working websites, filling the Hotel time and time again.

First Queen's Hotel Website

First Queen's Hotel Website

But for many years the website it only needed to be updated as required when the Hotel was refurbished, and adding in new facilities as the improvements were made to the rooms.

In 2008 however, it was felt it was time to give the website itself a refurbishment. A new fresh colour scheme was developed in line with the Hotel’s corporate green, and a minimalist layout for the pages on trend with today’s best Hotel websites.

New Queen's Hotel Website

New Queen's Hotel Website

Many new photographs were taken to order, all the room shots were new for instance and many of the exterior views, as the city around the Hotel had changed, particularly the Marina View, where there is now a vista of ‘The Island’ luxury villas and super yachts.


Willis’s Powder Battery Displays

Detail of one of the plans showing the date an early amendment: 23rd February 1891

Detail of one of the plans showing the date an early amendment: 23rd February 1891

When Richard Desoiza of the Let’s Go Rock and Fortress Project was given a treasure trove of eleven 19th Century Royal Engineer Plans for Willis’s Powder Battery, he was quick to appreciate their value as display material in the new venue.
He called Angela and asked her to have them scanned and mounted on boards as we had done with previous display materials in the World War II Tunnels. After giving her a tour of the huge Powder Battery, and explaining the clever 19th Century methods of fire prevention he entrusted her with the valuable documents then and there.

Detail of part of a plan showing the amendments on with brown paper tapes

Detail of part of a plan showing the amendments on with brown paper tapes

The hand drawn documents were in a delicate condition, their large size, 1 meter by 70cm, and the many additions that had been pasted onto them over the years meant they needed very careful handling.  Angela was not happy with the idea of putting them through a rotary scanner, although there were one or two of these available on the Rock. Richard had already taken digital photographs of the plans but even with a good camera, the definition was not suitable for reproduction and display. After extensive research it was discovered that the Imperial War Museum in London had the facilities available for the job.
Angela immediately booked the


Radio Advertising

JaneJane Hart was ready to expand her well established interior design business Denville Designs by developing her skills in Feng Shui. She asked us to help.

We launched Jane’s  Feng Shui consultancy as an additional brand with its own image and advertising budget. We recorded the voiceover for the radio ad with oriental music.

We booked a year’s contract on the well-liked Mary Harboe Show on Costa radio station with a regular Feng Shui phone in slot which became very popular with the listeners.

Crystal Brochure

crystalbrochureweb2Crystal Financial Solutions were offering an innovative product to the Spanish market whereby homeowners could mitigate their exposure to inheritance tax.

This required specialist financial copy to give a clear and concise explanation of the scheme which was aimed at fund managers and legal advisors to recommend to their clients.

With a selection of relevant photos, pull quotes and the financial data packaged in easy to read tables, a great deal of complex legalistic data was presented in an uncomplicated and attractive format.

Turicum Private Bank

Turicum Web

Turicum Web

Their website is as important for the prestigious Gibraltar based Turicum Private Bank as are their beautiful offices. Catering for a sophisticated international clientele it is vital this website gives the right first impression.
The high level of personal service is reflected in the ‘Who’s Who’ page allowing browsers to click on the image of any of the Turicum Managers to send an email to that person.